Intro to HTML

Welcome to my easy HTML/CSS tutorial. Before we get started - what is HTML? HTML stands for Hyper Text Markup Language… which might sound like gibberish to you. Luckily, the only part we need to care about is Markup Language. HTML is a language for “marking up” text - saying “this text here is a subtitle”, or “this text here should be emphasized” - stuff like that.

Using HTML, we specify what we want the webpage to do. However, it’s important to distinguish between this and how we want the webpage to do it. For instance, what we want to do might be to make certain text show up as a title. How we do it is by making it a little bigger and bolder than the surrounding text (and put it on its own line). In HTML, with few exceptions, we only specify what we want to do. It is with CSS that we specify how we want to do it, and that’s covered in the later sections.

So let’s get started, with… tags!