Body Styles

So far, we’ve seen two CSS properties: color, which changes the color of your text, and background-color, which changes the background color of whichever element is selected. Now… what if you want to change the font color and background color of the entire page?

As we learned in the “Structure of an HTML Page” section, everything visible on your page is contained within a body tag. So if we want to change something about the entire page, we can select body!

body {
  background-color: #eeeeee; 
  color: #ff0000; // red

The code above will change the background color of the page to #eee, a light gray, and change the font color to #f00, red. The syntax // red is called a comment - if you write two slashes // at the end of a line, anything you write after them will be ignored. You can use this to leave notes to yourself, for example, about what color your hex code is.

Try it! Open up your my_webpage.html and add the CSS above in between your style tags. What do you see?