
Congratulations on making it to the end of this tutorial! You’ve learned the basics of web development and have put your knowledge to work making your first project.

Now you’re ready to go forth and make new websites that are entirely your own! You could make an About Me website with multiple pages about you, your hobbies, and your interests. You could make a fan site for something you’re into. Or you could even make a website to support a cause!

This simple tutorial was meant as a starting point, a springboard for you to jump off. From here, the sky’s the limit. Don’t be afraid to go out and learn how to do more things by searching for them online. For example, maybe you want to set a tiling image as your page background. You can search for “CSS tiling background image” to find out how. Remember that CSS rules will always look like PROPERTY: VALUE; and you will be all set.

A really great resource for looking up CSS rules, and for web development in general, is MDN Web Docs. MDN Web Docs is maintained by Mozilla and has accurate, high-quality information.

If you do want to put your website online, here are two FREE places you can do it:

  1. Neocities - Like the famous Geocities of old, Neocities is a place where you can build your own free website one page at a time. It features a way for you to edit the HTML of your webpages directly in the browser.
  2. Netlify - My favorite choice, hosting your website on Netlify is as easy as dragging and dropping the folder containing your website into Netlify.

All right, that’s all for now. I hope you found this tutorial helpful - now go out there and have fun building your new site!